Zeph does Skype

I have one very clever English Pointer. Not only can Zeph wrap himself up in a blanket so he’s as warm as toast, he’s now figured out how to have a Skype conversation.

I was in Sydney for three days last week doing a consulting gig. For some reason only known to Telstra Clear, it was going to take them five whole days to switch on global roaming for my iPhone (we were under the impression we had global roaming). Five days Telstra Clear??

So that left me in Sydney with no global roaming. I stayed at the Park8 hotel on the corner of Park and Castlereagh Streets, smack bang in the centre of the city so I could walk to the client office and check out the new Westfield shopping centre in the CBD. I’ll do a post soon on my impressions of Sydney after nearly a year away.

The hotel reception was staffed by hot guys, not a female receptionist in sight. And one of them gave me four hours free Internet access. So I switched on Skype each night to speak to hubby and Zeph. It was hilarious to see Zeph pawing at the screen as he heard my voice. He couldn’t figure out why the Mac computer sounded so much like me!

Is that you Mum? I've been a good dog, really I have.

Hey Dad: how come Mum is in that computer?

6 thoughts on “Zeph does Skype

  1. Karen

    Good to see that Zephyrlicious is learning technology early! Soon he will have his very own blog.

    Beware global roaming: I had to take out a second mortgage to pay the bills in the US late last year. You are much better off getting to know all the wireless internet places and downloading there.

  2. thinkingshift Post author

    yes, good point B. I tried to find wifi using my iPhone to locate and of course Sydney airport has good wifi.

    Zeph is considering his own blog actually – naturally called Zephyrlicious. He and Mr T could gang up and take over the canine world!

  3. Karen

    I tried to explain to him that TV was hopelessly “old school” but he insisted that, if it’s good enough for the Packers and the Murdochs, it’s good enough for him.

    That being said, his new album Collie Song will be available on iTunes from 1 April.

  4. thinkingshift Post author

    1st April release? what a fitting date 🙂 I think that Tyler could cope with his own YouTube channel. After all, he loves adoration and could collect millions of YouTube fans. TV is for Lassie; YouTube is for the modern, sophisticated Collie. I think he should start out with one of his many yodelling tunes.


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